Monday, September 20, 2010

Hospitality Day

This weekend, the Seminary hosted “Hospitality Day”. This is one of the days seminarians invite family and friends who have helped to support them on their journey to priesthood. It’s also a way for family and friends to “check out” the place and make sure their seminarian is in good shape!

A little history of the day is in order. The title “Hospitality Day” is new. Previously, this day was called “Family Day”. The change this year occurs for two reasons. First, as this is an international community, it is difficult for some to have their families come to the Seminary say from Uganda or Korea, etc. Second, it acknowledges the tremendous influence of friends and communities in the vocation work of the Church.

The day begins with Mass. This year, Fr. Peter, our Rector, presided and preached at the Liturgy. He affirmed the great commitment our family and friends, most especially our parents, have made in supporting the seminary. Second, he called each of us – seminarians, family members, friends – to work each and every day to grow closer to Jesus. The “call to holiness” is not just for seminarians, priests and religious, but for each and everyone of us.

After Mass, every one gathers in the Cloister areas of the Seminary for a BBQ. The weather was wonderful yesterday and that only added to day. This is also a great opportunity for seminarians’ families to meet each other and the faculty as well.

Following lunch, seminarians lead tours throughout the buildings and grounds. I laughed at myself yesterday. Last year, during Hospitality Day, I was not the greatest tour guide and just sort of got through it. I had only been here for a month at that point, was still adjusting and didn’t know too much about life here. This year, that’s changed. So the tour was a little longer, had more details and Seminary trivia, and I hope, a little more informational.

Days like yesterday are good ones for those of us who live here. Life here can get busy and lonely and hectic and isolating all at the same time. While, I hope, we all know of the great connections and support present to us, days like yesterday serve as a great confirmation.

Have a great week!

P.S. We’re only allowed 10 guests…but next year I’ll see if you can all come!

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