Sunday, March 28, 2010

What A Year It Has Been....

Palm Sunday weekend is a milestone for me. It was this weekend last year, the days before, that informed family, friends, St. John the Baptist Diocesan High School and Our Lady of Lourdes that the Seminary accepted me and I would begin studies here in September. What a year it has been!

Today, we celebrated the Palm Sunday Liturgy at the Seminary. It’s a special day here as members of the Knights of Columbus through Long Island come and pray with this community. The Knights work hard to support many works of the Church, but make a special commitment to seminarians in formation. It some ways it is a “Thank You” celebration, in others a reminder of the tremendous support that exists in the Church on Long Island.

As I look back of this year, these days have particular meaning. It was in these times, a year ago, I made a life-changing decision to leave what I knew, where I was comfortable and what I loved to do with the hope and belief that God and the Church had more in store for me.

Truthfully, leaving stinks but it has been easier than I ever anticipated. My fear, I think, was totally disconnect or abandonment. This experience has shown me that relationships formed are not limited by location or distance. It is easier because of the love and support of so many! From family and friends to parish and former work place to community, I have never for a moment felt alone or abandoned on this journey. Thanks for that!

So as we celebrate Holy Week at the Seminary it is different than what it has been over the past few years. Yet, while change is tough hopefully it will be another positive step on what has already been quite a journey!

Indeed, what a year it has been!

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