Monday, March 22, 2010

The Parish of SS. Cyril and Methodius – the Heart of Jesus on Beautiful 231!

This weekend, Vian Ntegerej'lmana and I visited the SS. Cyril and Methodius R.C. Church in Deer Park. What a wonderful community of faith, hope, love and a little bit of laughter, too!

This weekend’s visit differed from our visit to Our Lady of Mercy – both parishes have many gifts and different ones, too. SS. Cyril and Methodius is a larger parish in Suffolk County (actually about 5 minutes from where I live!). The physical church is bigger and there are more families, I believe, registered here than Our Lady of Mercy. It’s different to speak in a place that is so big! There is much happening in this wonderul parish community!

Second, SS. Cyril’s already has a seminarian living in the parish. Lawrence Onyegu is spending his pastoral year in the parish. Seminarians spend a year in a parish while also working and completing hospital chaplaincy work. While our other years of formation are primarily academic, pastoral year allows seminarians to put their learning into action. It is great to see the tremendous love that SS. Cyril’s has developed for Lawrence. There is no doubt they have taught him a great deal over these past months. They love him!

Third, spending a weekend with Vian was also a great learning experience. I sometimes take for granted the tremendous sacrifice that our international seminarians make to come to the Seminary in the United States. They leave their home and family to be formed so they can return home for service and ministry. Vian is from the Diocese of Kabale in Uganda. What a sacrifice! What an honor to share life with Vian and our other international seminarians. What a tremendous example Vian and others provide the rest of us!

Visiting parishes like SS. Cyril’s this week and OLM last week offers a great deal of hope. It allows us to share a little bit of our story while learning about the great diversity of parishes present in the Diocese.

Have a great week!

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