Monday, March 15, 2010

From Huntington to Hicksville

The journey continues…now to Hicksville!

This weekend, Frank Zero and I spoke at Our Lady of Mercy R.C. Church in Hicksville (OLM). We spoke as part of Bishop Murphy’s efforts to foster vocations as outlined in his recent Pastoral Letter (see previous post). What a wonderful weekend of community, formation and support. I think we might have gained more than anyone else at Our Lady of Mercy this weekend!

First, this is a wonderful parish community! The priests, staff and parishioners are true examples of hospitality and welcome. From the moment we set foot in the Church, parishioners
reached out to welcome us. It is clear the people of OLM work hard to be an active, engaging and communal parish. It is not easy, I’m sure. Yet their commitment is obvious.

Second, much formation occurred this weekend. That’s a big word in seminary life. We are always being formed – on human, spiritual, intellectual, liturgical and pastoral levels. (That’s probably true for everyone, not just seminarians.) To spend a weekend in the life of a parish community gives one the chance to see how a place “runs”. It allowed us to see the diversity of ministries and gifts present in the community. Spending time with the priests of the parish – Fr. Bob, Fr. Peter, Fr. Dariusz and Fr. Rich – allowed us to see a variety of gifts and talents that can come together for good in the name of the Church. There is no doubt that I am more aware of what priesthood holds in to store for me than I was last Friday.

Finally, in many ways, this was my first time, out in the open, as a full-fledged seminarian. It felt a little weird initially but the people of OLM made it easy. It is a good reminder that some of the things I, as an individual, can get caught up in or become insecure about don’t make a tremendous difference to many others. Their excitement and encouragement towards each of us allowed me to see more clearly what I think I already knew. The parishioners of communities love those who serve them and those preparing to serve them.

Our work continues next weekend at SS. Cyril and Methodius R.C. Church in Deer Park!

Have a great week!

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