Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Christmas Recess - Coming Home

The Christmas Recess has been filled with many blessings – including reuniting with family and friends, returning to hospital ministry, praying with fellow seminarians in the Syro-Malankara Rite of the Church, a week of retreat at Mount Saviour Monastery near Elmira, NY and much more! 
The 2010 OLL Christmas Pageant!
 One of the highlights of the Christmas Recess for me is returning to my parish home – Our Lady of Lourdes R.C. Church in West Islip.  It is this community, among others, that sent me forth to pursue the seminary and priestly formation. I have the chance to return, at times, for Daily Mass, Saturday evening Mass, some parish events, and on Home Weekends. I never fail to leave affirmed, encouraged and supported by the people of God in West Islip.

This year, because of our break and my schedule, I had the opportunity to spend time in a different way at OLL.  In many ways, this was the first time I went “public” since becoming an Acolyte in October.  My work in the past as Coordinator of Worship involved, primarily, “behind the scenes” work which I love.  This year, at the invitation of my pastor, Fr. Mike Vetrano, I served at some Christmas Masses and had the opportunity to offer a reflection on the Feast of the Holy Family (hours before the great blizzard).

It is very humbling, for me, to have the opportunity to serve in a parish community, most especially the one that has given so much to me.  Serving publicly brings with it new feelings and emotions.  First, it can be difficult to be “in front” at times. It’s necessary and it’s certainly something I’m more comfortable with as the years have gone by, but it’s an adjustment from much of the “behind the scenes” work.  Second, initially, it can be nerve wracking and it probably shows. I know this because one of the servers – who I trained when I worked in the parish said to me – “Relax, you’re too tense!” (As I said, humbling.) Third, it is, at the same time,  powerful to be part of the Church’s liturgy in this way.  I think I feared that serving as an acolyte and perhaps one days as a presider, would pull me away from the assembly. More and more I am realizing this is not the case. The “one body” still prays together.

In addition to these experiences, returning to the parish means a great deal to me, personally.  Most days, I pray at the 8 A.M. Mass. In the celebration of the Mass and the quiet time in the Church before, I am able to set a good direction for the day. And, I am automatically reminded that I do not journey alone.  Throughout these weeks, it has also been good for me to just be part of some of parish life – whether it be attending the Christmas Pageant (with some seminary friends), helping to prepare and some of the Christmas liturgies, talking and sharing life with members of the community or being one of many to put all those Christmas decorations away – to remember that this is what has, in large part, brought me to this point in my life and continues to encourage and strengthen me along the way. How blessed am I!

Have a great week!

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