Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ministry of Acolyte

This past Friday, I took one of the “official” steps on this journey. I was installed as an Acolyte. Last March, you might remember, I was instituted as a lector or reader. The focus in the ministry is on the Word and how it is proclaimed and lived out. With the institution of Acolyte, the focus moves to the Table and a sense of service both within and outside of the Liturgy.

On a “practical” level, this means more public liturgical service. The Church tells us, “The Acolyte is appointed in order to aid the deacon and minister to the priest (General Instruction of the Roman Missal, 6). This requires assisting at the altar with the details of the Liturgy and serving at liturgical functions (prayer services, Exposition, and at other acts of worship). At the seminary, this includes leading Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer when assigned, serving at Mass and our daily Exposition services, and making sure that everything “flows” at a particular liturgy.

When installed as lectors, we received a Lectionary – the book that contains the readings for each day of the year. As acolytes, we received and now begin wearing an alb. It’s another external sign of what I hope, are not only external but internal changes and growth.

Bishop Octavio Cisneros, Auxiliary Bishop of Brooklyn, came to the Seminary on Friday, and this is part of the homily he offered on Friday:
In performing your ministry bear in mind that, as you share the one bread with your brothers and sisters, so you form one body with them. Show a sincere love for Christ's Mystical Body, God's holy people, and especially for the weak and the sick. Be obedient to the commandment which the Lord gave to his apostles at the Last Supper: "Love one another as I also have loved you."
By this prayer, I am reminded (and maybe you, too) of the tremendous link between how we pray and how we live our lives each day. It’s not only about we do “in Church” but how serve “as Church” each and every day.

On Friday, after the homily, Bishop Cisneros called each of us forward and gave us a vessel of bread and wine and he said:
“Take this vessel with bread (wine) for the celebration of the eucharist. Make your life worthy of your service at the table of the Lord and his Church.”

Let’s pray that each of one of us, and particularly me these days, may be worthy of our “service at the table of the Lord and his Church!
If you're able to come to Our Lady of Lourdes to help on October 12th (see right column) please e-mail this week. Some of you might be getting jobs!


  1. Congrats on becoming an Acolyte! Let's get together soon to celebrate. Hope your year is off to an awesome start. Can't believe it is October already. We are planning on being there to help on the 12th. Wouldn't miss it! K :)

  2. Sorry crazy at work and behind on blog reading today is October 13 I am sorry to say I am not much help
    but I love your blog!
