Sunday, January 31, 2010

From Palestine to the Pastoral

Good evening everyone! Today begins the Spring semester here at the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception. Fr. Peter celebrated Mass this afternoon and our first Orientation meeting just concluded.

The seminarians have actually been back here for a week. Last week, we attended Pastoral Workshops. These are organized by the Seminary for us to get a better and deeper sense of the pastoral work that is ongoing in many parishes and organizations through Long Island. Here is a sampling of the workshops we attended:
Long Island Center for Life – Lorraine and Frank Garibaldi
Evangelization in Today’s Parish – John Romanowski, Office of Faith Formation, DRVC
Marriage Preparation - Kathleen Logan, Office of Faith Formation, DRVC
Ministering to those with Special Needs – MaryAnne Russo, Office of Faith Formation, DRVC
Ministry to the Dying and Grieving – Good Shepherd Hospice
Ministry to the Deaf – Fr. Tom Costa and Sr. Joan Finn
Ministry to the Mentally Ill/Addicted – Catholic Charities Staff

The week concluded with a site visit to the Verdone Residence on the grounds of the St. Joseph’s Church in Babylon. This residence is home for nearly 12 individuals with special needs. They shared lunch with us, showed us where they live and provided a glimpse into their everyday lives. We also listened to some of residence’s administrators who spoke with us about the intricacies of organizing, maintaing and support such a program. This was a great way to end a week about ministry and outreach.

“All Are Welcome” is a popular gathering hymn in many parishes and communities. This past week, this song echoed in my mind as I participated in these workshops. The Church is calling all of us – lay women and men, religious women and men, and clergy – to reach out, even and especially beyond our comfort zones, in our work and ministry. A great message for today’s seminarians!

So with this “real-life” and “hands-on” experience we’re off to the beginning of another semester! More to come on that soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hi John!

    I have been following your blog and think I may have figured out how to post a comment.

    I was very happy to hear that you had visited the Verdone Residence at St. Joseph's. I think that was such a good use of the former friary and the residents have been a real blessing to the community. Sister Noreen Cleary used to help out there occasionally when she taught at SJB.

    Please remember Mrs. Mc Bride in your prayers. She is back in the hospital and will probably need to go to rehab facility before she can return home. She's been having these terrible coughing fits which completely wear her out. She is so disappointed that she can't attend the Women of Hope luncheon on Sunday.

    Good luck as you begin your second semester -- I hope that it proves to be as rewarding as your other experiences since arriving at the seminary.

    Saw Mrs. Gottsch today -- she missed you at OLL as we do at SJB.

    Mrs. Maher
