Saturday, January 9, 2010

Greetings from Galilee

Greetings from Galilee!

Good evening everyone! Tonight is the first night I am able to get to the computer. I am writing to you from the Mount of Beatitudes Hospice (Hotel). Our experiences so far have been challenging, enriching, overwhelming, enlightening and hope-filled – all at the same time.

We arrive in the Holy Land on Wednesday evening and journeyed to the Chapel of Our Lady of Palestine for our first Mass. We spent the night in Tel Aviv and from there journeyed to Jaffa, Caesarea, Akko and Mt. Carmel and then arrived here on Thursday evening. Friday brought saw us to Magdala where we were part of a 1st century archeological dig. After, we took a tour along the Sea of Galilee which was one of the more powerful moments of the experience so far. We a;so visited a seminary in Galilee which provided an interesting contrast to our experiences in the United States.

Today, much of our day was spent in Nazareth, after a small stop at a Church in Cana. We celebrated Mass in the Basilica of the Annunciation and had some time to just experience the space where it is believed that Mary lived and was met by the angel Gabriel. The afternoon brought us to Mt. Tabor (the site of the Transfiguration) and to another historical site which gave archaeological and historical background to the hidden years of Jesus – from his birth to the beginning of his public ministry.

As you can see from this quick entry, there’s a lot happening and it is good. We are learning a lot about the historical, archaeological, and theological times of Jesus and perhaps, most importantly, getting a chance to bring those experiences and moments in our own spiritual lives. There is much more to write about – certainly too much to write here. A few other seminarians are updating a blog regularly so if you’d like the “latest up to date” info about the trip go to this site

Thanks, again, for all your support and encouragement. Talk to you soon.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful experience travel safely

  2. Sounds like a wonderful experience - when are you coming to dinner with the photos? All the Goldins want to hear about the Holy Land!
