Friday, March 18, 2011


As our Lenten journey continues, mine changed radically in days leading up to and following Ash Wednesday. During this time I learned I will be ordained by Bishop Murphy to the Diaconate on Saturday, May 21, 2011. Needless to say, it’s been a week filled with a variety of emotions but ultimately reassurance that I am on the right path, heading in the right direction.

Ordination to the Diaconate is the final “step”, if you will, before Ordination to the Priesthood. Traditionally, seminarians after receiving the Ministries of Reader and Acolyte and the Call to Candidacy are ordained deacons to serve in the seminary and a local parish community for a period of time.

As you know, my journey – as are the journeys of all who live here at the Seminary – is unique. Where, how long, and in what form the rest of the journey will take is not totally clear but there is a renewed peace that comes with this. What has been affirming and clear is the tremendous response and support I have received throughout my time here and most especially over the past few weeks. From my family, to the men I live with, to the parish community and so many others who have taken the time to check in, look out, express support and provide sound wisdom and advice. I am reminded, again and again, of the need for the community of the Church to be a part of our lives. I have no doubt that a vocation is a response to God’s call, but I’m unsure it can be answered fully without the support, love and affirmation of the local community. What a difference it makes! Undoubtedly, if you’re reading this, you’re one of those people.

Let’s continue to pray for and with one another as we journey towards Lent and all the Easter season will bring.


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