Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Taking Time to Smell the Roses

This past week, I returned to the parish for two important events both which are good reminders for me (and for all of us?) on this journey. Last Tuesday, I celebrated my “mock” Baptism which I’ll write about at another time.
Marie Ricigliano and I at Oktoberfest at Our Lady of Lourdes R.C. Church

Then on Saturday, I returned for a wonderful parish celebration where we honored Marie Ricigliano. Marie, to me and many others, is a living example of faith, hope and love. She has known pain, struggle, illness, the loss of a child and husband, to name a few. Yet she never fails to inspire and invigorate others. Marie is a tremendous person of prayer, community, hospitality, service, support and encouragement. What we often say about faith, hope and love she lives each and every day.

 I’ve known Marie since I was a fourth grader in the parish school (there will be no pictures of that). While we didn’t know each other personally at that point, Marie was one of the volunteers who helped at everything in the parish – from the Italian Feast, Bingo, the Rosary Christian Mothers, Parish Outreach, the Ministry of Consolation and so much more. More than the “ministries” is her gift of presence. When you talk with Marie, you know you’re talking with a woman who not only knows about Jesus, she knows Jesus and wants you to know Him too.

Over the past ten years or so, I have had the opportunity to know Marie not only as a woman from the parish but as a friend. (There is, no doubt, she is a large source of encouragement in my coming to the Seminary.) Throughout these years, she has said to me in person, on the phone or in writing, “Be sure to take time to smell the roses.” (I think she was warning me to slow it down a bit!) And, truthfully, whenever things have gotten a little crazy or busy, that line, and the person who said it, would even creep into my mind….what would Marie say?

When I arrived at the Seminary and entered my room for the first time, I smiled. For as hard as taking leave of family, parish and ministry were, I knew it’d be OK. You see, outside of my room is the Rose Garden of the Seminary. I called Marie that day and said, “Don’t worry…I’ll be able to smell the roses every day!”

We all probably have people in our lives like Marie – women and men who gently encourage and guide us in becoming who God calls us to be. (I've written about a few others here and here.) They often stay in the background, never seeking credit or accolades. (She’ll be furious when she reads this posting.) However, no matter how far in the background they might go, you always know they’re there. You need them for they call you beyond some of the surface things that life can bring and help you to move “into the deep” of relationship and love with God and one another.

Thanks, Marie, for teaching me to take time to smell the roses.
Marie (center) with Jo Brogan, Lori Bouklas and Mimi Camperlengo in the Kitchen at St. John the Baptist Diocesan High School. They used to come and organize all the Italian food at our Annual  Family Festival.

1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful tribute to a woman who inspires so many of us.
