Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Love Shines Through - en espanol!

Over the past few weeks, I’ve tried to provide an overview of the many different ministries that make up this vibrant parish community. One of my primary reasons for living and working at St. Anne’s has been to live and to be part of the Spanish community that is so alive here.

Since my first night here in June, I have never failed to feel welcomed and accepted by the entire parish, in general, and specifically the Spanish community. From my first attempts at speaking Spanish at Mass (O Dios mio!) to welcoming me as part of the assembly at Mass, to speaking slowly so I could understand to taking the time to explain different practices, expressions and experiences, this community has shown me nothing but acceptance, love, understanding and compassion – and inspire me to do the same.

St. Anne’s is an active multicultural parish. The English, Spanish and Haitian communities both work to support their individual communities and work for the good of the whole parish. Padre Gonzalo oversees many of the works and ministries of the Spanish community at St. Anne’s. There are so many dedicated ministers and volunteers who lead different aspects of the community. Masses are celebrated in Spanish on Saturdays at 7:30 and Sundays at 9:30 A.M. and during the week on Thursdays at 7:30 P.M. I have tried to attend as many of these liturgies as possible. It is not only a matter of language acquisition but joining in spirit-filled and energizing experiences of prayer and worship.

In addition, there are many services and ministries for the community. There is a huge youth group that meets every Friday night. The young people are true witnesses – serving in the community and gathering for time away to support and challenge one another. There are numerous prayer groups for the Spanish community and tremendous outreach is made to invite many to receive the sacraments.

In addition to all of this, there is great effort made to serve those who come to the parish from different parts of the world. They come with a tremendous humility and work ethic, a desire to contribute and to never feel as if they are a burden. Working at St. Anne’s has made me even more empathetic towards the plight of the immigrant. Many in the Spanish community at St. Anne’s have immigrated to the United States in recent years. They have come in a variety of ways and for a variety of reasons. Most times, there movement to the United States is a desire for safety, a need to support family who remain in their home country or a hope for something greater in America. Our Church has an incredible support for the immigrant – the documented and those without documents. You can read more about the Church’s efforts here and here. (Our own diocese has a Spanish newspaper that can be accessed onlne here.)

I have learned so much about ministry, service and life living here at St. Anne’s. Having the chance to be even a small part of the Spanish community has made a great difference. I’m surely a better person because of it.

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