Monday, June 28, 2010

A Week in the Life

I have worked through my first week of living and being present at St. Anne’s Parish in Brentwood. I thought it might be interesting to describe what I have learned in just this first week of parish life.

It is hard to maintain a consistent daily rhythm. In the seminary, our schedules are pretty structured (Prayer at certain times, classes at others, meals, etc.). I am learning that the same may not be possible in the everyday routine of parish life. Sure some things I can control (waking up at a certain time, etc.) but there are many others I cannot. In my first week, I don’t think my “plan for the day” worked out once. Maybe it’s a phone call in Outreach that requires some more attention than anticipated, working with other Pastoral Team members on a Friday night prayer service or trying to learn the “ins and outs” of the parish’s Ministry of Consolation. Before you know it the day is almost over and no two days are the same. That can be hard – and something I’m working to adjust to while I’m here.

Second, my experiences this week have taken me to a number of different areas of parish life. I have worked with members of the Parish Finance staff and volunteers in organizing parish collections and banking. I learned some new things about how basic parish finances work. I have had the chance to work with the volunteers in Parish Outreach (this will be a separate posting later) and serve a few Outreach clients. This week, I also have the opportunity to work with the parish’s Ministry of Consolation. This ministry helps families who have lost a loved one to plan and celebrate the funeral mass.

My time in the parish has also given me the opportunity to participate in the parish’s prayer life. I attend Mass each day in the parish (usually at 12) and that helps to establish some consistency in my day – and what better moment to build a day around. Members of St. Anne’s pray the Rosary daily, have daily Masses in a number of languages (yes I attend the Spanish Mass on Thursday nights) and celebrate Eucharistic Adoration on Thursday afternoons. In the area of prayer, I had the chance to work with members of the Pastoral Team on a special prayer service on Friday night. They even asked me to lead a part of it, which was quite humbling. The prayer service – concluding the Year for Priests – honored the three parish priests at St. Anne’s, included many different parishioners from different segments of parish life and was well attended by the parish community.

Much of my experience this week ahs included meeting and learning from individual parishioners. This is perhaps the highlight that brings it all together. Whether it be meeting someone in the parish office, greeting people after Mass, helping set up for an event or working behind the scenes at something – I have met wonderful, wonderful people. They have not only told me about the history of St. Anne’s and their role in the parish but have shown me what it is to be women and men of faith.
May I develop even half the faith and good will as the people of St. Anne's in the years to come!


  1. Sounds like your days are full at St Anne's
    hope to see you over the summer!

  2. Your first week sounds like my first week at rehab!
    Hard to predict the schedule changes. I'm very impressed with your site John!
    Miss Walsh

  3. Hi Seminarian John, I am so enjoying your blog entries. I wanted to let you know that you came up in prayer when I attended Christ the King Parish's "Taize Prayer Around the Cross Concluding the Year for Priests." I'm a friend of Sandro da Luz who has accepted God's invitation to become a priest. I wanted to mention to you that in case you need help in Spanish, me puedes escribir un email si necesitas ayuda. Que Dios te bendiga hoy y siempre. Sylvia Murdolo
