Monday, February 15, 2010

From Alleluia's to Asceticism

“Live as though only God and yourself were in this world, so that your heart may not be detained by anything human.” -St. John of the Cross

Lent begins this Wednesday and there is much for each one of us to work on and reflect upon during the upcoming 40 days. In the prayer of the Church, Lent is a journey, one that calls for an exile, of sorts. The hope is that in this Lenten season we can prepare and renew ourselves in preparation for the great celebration of Easter! (We sing Alleluia, for the first time, at the Easter Vigil!)

At our Spring Semester Orientation and House Meeting, Msgr. Charles Fink, the Director of Spiritual Formation (and the topic of a future post) called us to a spirit of asceticism, particularly during the days of Lent. It involves a pulling away, a separation from many of the things to which we attach to and become distracted from our relationship with God and with one another. His words forced me to think about so many of the “things” to which I can become so easily attached.

Msgr. Fink’s call for Lent is one that applies to all, not only the seminarians and priests who live here in the Seminary. Over these next 40 days what can we detach from? Is it a relationship? Technology? Food? Drink? A certain behavior? (Or maybe all of them :)! Whatever it is –and there’s something for each of us –perhaps we can look at the ways to detach and to pull away in the hope that we can attach and push closer to God. Then, when we sing Alleluia again at Easter we will do so more aware and more present to our God and to one another!

Have a great week.

1 comment:

  1. Hey John...looks like you have your work cut out for you. It all seems very interesting and certainly all topics that can help you in the future! Let me know if you ever need my expertise in the marrige area...thats all I can help you with and even there I'm not so sure I can be of any help!!!LOL Lent begins tonight and it is different not haivng you there as we begin our journey but I will pray for you this night and this season as together we learn and become closer to God in all that we do, and say and in all of our sacrifice. God Bless-Kate Ramsbotham
