Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ministry of Reader

This past Friday marked another step on this journey towards priesthood. I was instituted into the Ministry of Reader. This is, traditionally, one of the first “ritual” steps in the formation process for seminarians.

The ceremony itself takes place within our regular daily Mass. Bishop John C. Dunne, Auxiliary Bishop of Rockville Centre presided at the liturgy. (He also confirmed me – so it was nice that he was part of this celebration.). After the homily, each seminarian to be instituted came forward. Bishop Dunne led the community in prayer for us. Then, we knelt before Bishop Dunne, placed our hand on a lectionary as he called us to:
“Take this book of holy Scripture and be faithful in handing on the word of God, so that it may grow strong in the hearts of his people.”

What does this mean? Well, first, it is one of the “official” steps on the journey and that makes the reality of things come into focus. Second, it is call, not just for me but for all of us, to reflect more powerfully on the Word of God in our lives. More than how we proclaim it, how do we hear it? Listen to it? Reflect upon it? Those have been questions for my own prayer this week. Third, it is a reminder of the great diversity of ministries in the life of the Church. Some who read this blog may already be serving as lectors in parishes or schools. What a powerful witness!

Celebrations like last Friday’s call me to try to look deeper within. Something that can be a challenge! The question for me is can I fulfill this ministry, not by proclaiming or reading at the Liturgy of the Hours or Mass, but by how I live my life each day? There is much to think and pray about during these Lenten days!

(I don’t do pictures well – but am trying to get a few of the liturgy – when I do, I’ll post them up!)

1 comment:

  1. This was posted at 4:24 am...who is blogging at 4:24 am???
