Sunday, October 25, 2009

God has been so good!

This week, I want to write you about someone who has a significant influence in my life and who was called home to God this past Thursday.

Sister Rose Taranto, a Sister of St. Dominic of Amityville, died early Thursday morning. Sister Rose worked at St. John the Baptist Diocesan High School for over thirty years. A Sister of St. Dominic for 72 years, Sister Rose served at Our Lady of Solace, Dominican Commercial and St. Michael’s in East New York before coming to serve at St. John’s. While I attended and worked at St. John's, she was a teacher of Latin and Spanish, the organist and eventually the secretary to the Chaplains, as part of Campus Ministry, at St. John's. So over these years we have grown pretty close in working and sharing life together. (I think there are few who prayed as hard for me to come to the seminary!)

Sister Rose is a tremendous example of what is to be a person great service, holiness and faith. Throughout her life, Sister Rose certainly knew trial and pain, having faced many illnesses and challenges. She often worked through them, knowing God was with her, working even up to just a few weeks ago. You would be hard pressed to find her complain about any of the life circumstances she found herself in – rather she would accept that path she had been given and usually be the first to remind us that “God has been so good!” A statement she proclaimed and lived out until her final days.

At her funeral yesterday, one of the prayers spoken about in reference to saint describes Sister Rose perfectly:
“You renew the Church in every age
By raising up men and women outstanding in holiness,
living witnesses of your unchanging love.
They inspire us by their heroic lives,
And help us by their constant prayers
To be the living sign of your saving power.”

I guess in all of our lives, there are individuals who stand before as incredible witnesses to faith and hope. For me, and I’m pretty sure for thousands of others, Sister Rose has been and is an inspiration and source of great hope for the journey I have been on in my life and continue to be on.
To read more about Sister Rose, you can go to the St. John the Baptist Diocesan High School website.
Let's pray for Sister Rose's family, her friends and her community of Sisters. Let's pray for Sister Rose too - as I am sure - she is praying for all of us. Thanks for showing us all the ways that "God has been so good!"


  1. Thanks for posting this, John. The SJB alumni didn't get any info. Is there someplace to send a mass card?
    -Lisa Maher

  2. So glad you posted this - I had no idea. My prayers are with Sr. Rose and all of us who loved her. -K.Goldin :)
