Wednesday, October 7, 2009


We're going to learn the blog navigation together! If you want to follow this blog, you just need to click on the bottom right hand side of the page. i think this will let you know when the blog is updated. If you have an AIM or Yahoo account you can use that. If you don't look to the bottom where it asks you to open a Google account. All this involves is typing in the e-mail address you always you're not creating a whole other e-mail address. If anyone is more familiar with this than I, comment below.

Tonight begins a silent day of retreat and recollection. I'll let everyone know how it goes over the weekend.


  1. Hey John!! How's it going? This is so wonderful. Between this and the bulletin we'll know what's going on. Miss you at SJB. Katherine went to Saltaire for her freshman retreat and loved it. Has MNr Costa for religion and got turned on to Joan of Arcadia. I'd love a tour of the seminary, hint hint....

  2. Sorry, sha has Mr Scott.... oops
